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For Ghastly's "Ghastly Comic"

    Ghastly makes a very funny comic called "Ghastly's Ghastly Comic" which jokes about some of the odds n' ends in manga.  The two main characters are tentacle monsters, one of which lusts for human women, the other does not.  Many other odd characters are in this group, such as a hermaphrodite, a 50's man, a chibi woman, a tentacle fetish woman, a flaky neo pagan, and baby Cthulu.
    The final three are pictured here.  Fnanp, in his attempt to conquer the world by sorcery got stuck in the abyss.  He conjured Cthulu, who happened to be in his infant form, and ended up having to babysit him.  Kiki's just there 'cause she likes tentacles.

  Ghastly's Ghastly Comic:

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